Phenotyping Unit

The Phenotyping Unit of ETH Phenomics Center (EPIC)
Provides clean-room laboratories, access to scientific equipment for in-depths phenotypic analysis of genetically modified mouse models as well as standardized phenotyping services.
Focus Areas
- standardized phenotyping (primary screens for characterization of new models)
- imaging-based phenotyping
- behavioral phenotyping
- metabolic and physiological phenotyping
Access to the Phenotyping Unit
The Phenotpying Unit is accessible in two ways:
- by a full-service type of agreement for a standard set of phenotypic tests used as primary screens for altered anatomy and/or physiological functions of the different mouse models.
- by way of a user lab where trained researchers have direct access to the required equipment and laboratories
The Phenotyping Unit is placed within the EPIC barrier and accessible only with animals housed in EPIC. For animals housed externally, the import requirements of EPIC apply. Entry for researchers is possible after an introductory course and dedicated training depending on the different devices used.